Contemporary Band
The band is an integral part of Spirit Alive! and leads the music during worship services. Martin Luther, said of the subject, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” For information on the band, please contact the office by clicking here.
Children's Christian Education Program
The Children's Christian Education (CCE) program is designed to offer a space for Spirit Alive! children to begin developing relationships with each other, leaders and most of all God. The program runs from September through May.
This program is held on Sundays during worship. The children move from worship service to join two CCE leaders who have a prepared lesson from the Living the Word curriculum. Lessons include a story from the scripture, crafts, games, videos and object lessons. To keep things simple, we use the Faith Five practice, a 5-step process to bring people and families to God and together to support and strengthen communication, understanding, and mental and spiritual health. A typical Sunday morning lesson follows:
- We share our highs and lows.
- We read a bible verse or tell a story that correlates to the reading in worship.
- We talk about the story and how it relates to our highs and lows. We also include crafts and games or watch a supplemental short video.
- We pray for each other.
- We bless each other.
For additional information on the CCE program, please contact the office by clicking here.
Food on the Fourth
Spirit Alive! has been blessed with the partnership with Grace People's Pantry. We've cooked tons of breakfast potatoes, flipped many pancakes, and scrambled eggs. We've grown fresh produce at the Garden Project to build relationships and provide healthy food. Many of you have given of your time, your sweat, and your money to see this vital Kenosha ministry grow. We’ve launched the FOOD ON THE FOURTH program which is a monthly food drive to benefit Grace. Every third Sunday, we'll put out reusable bags and a list items Grace needs to supply their pantry. Grab a bag after worship and get a few items on the list during your weekly shopping. Bring back your bag with items to donate on the fourth Sunday of each month so we can bless it and send it out! Join us in filling hearts and bodies with good food and the hope of Christ!
Grace People's Pantry Breakfasts
Spirit Alive! has committed to serving breakfast the fourth Thursday of each month. Volunteers arrive at 7 a.m. to prepare breakfast, assist in packaging meals, and are done by 9 a.m. Grace People's Pantry is located at 2006 - 60th Street in Kenosha. No need to RSVP, just show up and we'll put you to work!
Media Team
Put media together for Sunday worship! Training will be provided. We work together to share new skills to enhance Spirit Alive’s worship experience. Commit to a team rotation of 1 to 4 hours in one sitting or spread throughout your week when it is your turn. Dave Jordan is the leader for this group. Click here to contact the Spirit Alive Worship Team.