While we wait for the Holy Spirit to present a leader for this groups, there will be a temporary hiatus for these ministries. Stay tuned.Are you 50 or better, enjoy dining out, and talking with friends? If so, this may be the group for you. Spirit Alive's Fab 50 dining group meets once a month, typically at 6:00 p.m. on the third Thursday. A different restaurant is chosen each month to familiarize everyone with the area’s cuisine. Membership in the group comes with no obligation, you will receive an invite early every month, to which you can RSVP acceptance or regrets. A reminder email will be sent the week of the event and all you need to do at that point is show up and enjoy the food, drink and friends (and cover your own bill of course). A typical evening will have 15 to 20 attendees and lasts from 1-1/2 to two hours. No pre scripted agendas just relax and socialize with friends.
While we wait for the Holy Spirit to present a leader for this groups, there will be a temporary hiatus for these ministries. Stay tuned.Food Froth & Fellows is a small group targeted for all those who identify as male. It is primarily a group for fellowship, a safe space for us to share experiences, concerns, or whatever is on our minds. We try to have a "topic question" to get conversation going, but don't necessarily stick to it. Although we meet at local micro-breweries in the Kenosha area, alcohol is totally optional, some members stick with non-alcoholic options - it's not a big deal, most of us don't even pay attention. You don't need to be a member of Spirit Alive, we've had plenty of non-members join us.
The Garden Project runs from May through October. The purpose of this group is to spread the love of Christ by growing vegetables to donate to the Grace Welcome Center Food Pantry. At the beginning of the season, there is a need for garden clean up and planting. During the growing season, there is a need for assistance with watering, weeding, and harvesting. At the end of the season, we have a final clean up. For additional information contact Margie Breckenfeld by clicking here.
Messy Spirituality is a book club that meets monthly. We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. at Spirit Alive! Church. Contact Heidi Steinbrenner for more details by clicking here.
Are you familiar with the game of pickleball that has been creating a buzz worldwide? If not, you should check out the new small group at Spirit Alive! The group offers a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in learning this exciting sport. You can attend the introductory class, held on the first and second Thursday evenings each month, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The class will take place in Wesley’s Fellowship Hall.
Comfortable clothing and a pair of dry tennis shoes are necessary for participation. Additionally, you will require a paddle to play the game. If you don't have one, you can pick one up from Walmart, Ace Hardware, Dick's Sporting Goods, or Amazon.
This class is exclusively for beginners. It’s going to be fun rather than challenging. Therefore, anyone above the age of 12 is welcome to attend. Although it's not mandatory to participate in all classes, it is recommeded. The instructor aims to encourage movement for all ages and plans to create a temporary pickleball court in the parking lot for everyone to use.
So why not come and give it a try? We look forward to seeing you there! For questions, contact Sandy B. by clicking here.
Interested in making new friends? Connecting with old ones? Check out our small group ministry! We are looking for people who love to sing and/or play an instrument and make a "joyful noise unto the Lord" (Psalm 100). You do not need to have the voice of an angel or pass an audition like on The Voice to join this small group. The only qualification for our "second string" choir is that you'd like to make a "loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise" (Psalm 98) with friends. Please join us on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining us or would like more information, please contact Krista Hoth at 262.764.5462 or click here to email.
This all female-identifying group will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. for encouraging and uplifting conversation. Please contact the office at admin@spiritalivechurch.com for the location as each month this group will be held at a different location.
We are pleased to offer various small groups at Spirit Alive! If you are interested in starting a new small group or ministry team, please contact the office at admin@spiritalivechurch.com.