Sue and Chuck Ruehle devoted much of their life's energy to being the quintessential social activists of the 60's and 70's. Organized religion did not mesh with their worldview very well. They were seeking the intersection of love for their fellow men and women and theology that was based upon Jesus' example of service and care, as well as his sacrificial love. They served as Co-Directors of Lutheran Human Relations based in Milwaukee from 1981-1994. The Synod required such workers to be ordained, so they went to seminary. Sue was ordained and called to an ELCA congregation in 1986, overlapping her role with the Synod. She served as an Assistant to the Bishop of the Greater Milwaukee Synod from 1995 to 2009, continuing to focus on race and social issues. Chuck passed in 2016. Pastor Sue came to Spirit Alive! because of its relaxed style and liturgy. She felt it was a comfortable place to worship and serve. She even served a term as Interim Pastor of Spirit Alive! during a transition time between Pastors some years back. "Spirit Alive is a good place to be if you have questions,” Sue says. “What is the meaning of it all? Where is God in all this mess?" The questions are not easy. Some answers are elusive, even impossible. Spirit Alive! dwells in this place. This summer, after Baby Beebe arrives, Pastor Sue will put on the stole once more at Spirit Alive! to serve in Pastor Kevin’s absence. While she acknowledges with a warm smile that "she may be getting too old for this," she is excited to already be planning her sermon series on the Acts of the Apostles. "The acts of the early Church were indeed the acts of the Spirit. We will ask ourselves what it means to be The Church. We will look for the connections between Spirit Alive! and the work of the Spirit." Our mission at Spirit Alive! is to build relationships with God and neighbor through inclusive, welcoming, authentic love. We value everyone’s story as integral to this community. Thank you for making Spirit Alive! the amazing community it is!